Football Jersey Day

January 17, 2025

Applying to MCS

Applications are continuously accepted by our school through our online enrollment system. You can apply online for the 2025-2026 school year today from your computer, smartphone, or tablet!

If you do not have access to the internet or you need assistance, please contact the school. For additional information on applying for the upcoming school year, please see our Enrollment Q & A below. 

Open Enrollment and Lottery

Open Enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year is currently ongoing.

If the number of timely submitted applications of eligible students for admission to a charter school exceeds the capacity of the grade level of a charter school (or building if the school does not distinguish between grades), students shall be accepted for admission from among such applicants by a random selection process (lottery) pursuant to the requirements of this section. For more information regarding charter school lotteries please click here.

Enrolling with our Online Registration (SchoolMint)

Once an applicant has been offered a seat at our school, please log in via the SchoolMint Dashboard to complete the three-step registration process.

Accept the offer within 7 calendar days.

Complete the registration online via the School Dashboard within 14 calendar days of accepting the offer.

Upload the required documents within 14 business days of accepting the offer. If you cannot upload the required documents, please contact the SSC- School Support Coordinator, to set up an appointment time to submit forms.

Required Documents to Enroll

  • Proof of Child’s Age (child’s birth certificate, passport, or record of baptism)
  • Application Form (signed and dated by Parent/Guardian)
  • Two (2) of the documents listed in Document A Verifying Proof of Address
  • Document A: Acceptable Forms of Proof of Residency
  • Completed Student Enrollment Forms ( signed by Parent/Guardian) application will not be accepted if not signed.)
  • Latest Report Card/Transcript (if available)

Dismissal Changes

No Pick-Up Policy

Manhattan Charter School has a no student pick-up policy when the school is at lunch and recess. Any parents wishing to pick up their child between these hours must make prior arrangements with the Family Relations and Attendance Coordinator and the student’s teacher.
MCS 1 11:00am-1:00 pm
MCS 2 11:30am-1:30 pm

Early Pick Up Policy

If a parent or guardian must occasionally pick up their child early, they will be accommodated only until 2:30 pm. Early pick-ups must take place in the main office. Please note: we will not be able to bring students to the main office for early pick up after 2:30 p.m.

Please call the MCS main office or email your child’s dismissal change information.

Medical Information

  • Health and Immunization Records
  • Medical form (CH205)
  • Annual Physical Form
  • Immunization records
  • Permission for Emergency Treatment
  • Medication Administration Form
  • Students with Disabilities

Enrollmnet Q&A


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