Football Jersey Day

January 17, 2025

Manhattan Charter School I (100 Attorney St)

The Manhattan Charter School I entrance for arrival and dismissal of students is on the Ridge Street side, not the Attorney Street side.

Ridge Street Entrance Hours
Morning: 7:30 am to 7:45 am
Afternoons: 3:45 pm to 4:00 pm
Tuesday Afternoons: 3:00 pm

Manhattan Charter School II (220 Henry St)

The Manhattan Charter School II entrance for the arrival and dismissal of students is on the Clinton Street side of the building (between Madison Street and Henry Street).

Clinton Street Entrance Hours
Morning: 7:30 am to 7:45 am
Afternoons: 3:45 pm to 4:00 pm
Tuesday Afternoons: 3:00 pm

Late Drop off Policy

Students arriving after 7:45 am must be brought into the school building, and to the safety officer’s desk by a parent or guardian with proper ID. Parents/Guardians must stay with the child until they have been fully admitted into the building by a Manhattan Charter School staff member.

Tuesday Early Release/Half Days

Every Tuesday MCS will dismiss students at 3:00. Please follow normal dismissal procedures.

Dismissal Changes

No Pick-Up Policy

Manhattan Charter School has a no student pick-up policy when the school is at lunch and recess. Any parents wishing to pick up their child between these hours must make prior arrangements with the Family Relations and Attendance Coordinator and the student’s teacher.
MCS 1 11:00am-1:00 pm
MCS 2 11:30am-1:30 pm

Early Pick Up Policy

If a parent or guardian must occasionally pick up their child early, they will be accommodated only until 2:30 pm. Early pick-ups must take place in the main office. Please note: we will not be able to bring students to the main office for early pick up after 2:30 p.m.

Please call the MCS main office or email your child’s dismissal change information.

Dismissal Changes

No Pick-Up Policy

Manhattan Charter School has a no student pick-up policy when the school is at lunch and recess. Any parents wishing to pick up their child between these hours must make prior arrangements with the Family Relations and Attendance Coordinator and the student’s teacher.

MCS I 11:00am-1:00 pm
MCS II 11:30am-1:30 pm

Early Pick Up Policy

If a parent or guardian must occasionally pick up their child early, they will be accommodated only until 2:30 pm. Early pick-ups must take place in the main office. Please note: we will not be able to bring students to the main office for early pick up after 2:30 p.m.

Please call the MCS main office or email your child’s dismissal change information.


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