Football Jersey Day

January 17, 2025


MCS believes that a truly comprehensive approach to literacy education is one that targets the individual strengths of each student. Students will use Wit & Wisdom where they will study award-winning texts to expand student’s curiosity around literacy. Daily 90-minute ELA class and an additional 30 minute novel study class.

Our ELA program teaches critical reading of both literary and informational texts, and fosters creative and personal expression through writing portfolios that form the basis for weekly conferences. We help our students form strong reading and writing skills through extended literacy periods with customized instruction.


Fundations is a multi-sensory, systematic and sequential word study program that helps develop a foundation of early literacy skills for our youngest learners. The program involves daily 30-minute lessons, which focus on carefully sequenced skills that include print knowledge, alphabet awareness, phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, decoding, spelling, and vocabulary.


Through our math curriculum, students gain an understanding of mathematical concepts, build confidence through daily problem-solving exercises Students will use Illustrative Math which is a problem-based core curriculum rooted in content and practice standards to foster learning and achievement for all. Students learn by doing math, solving problems in mathematical and real-world context, and constructing arguments using precise math language. Math will be done in a 90 minute block.


In science, students use Amplify Science. Throughout the curriculum students will use multi-sensory, hands-on inquiry and investigation, students learn how to formulate questions, conduct experiments, and communicate their results to help prepare them for life in an increasingly complex scientific and technological world. 

Dismissal Changes

No Pick-Up Policy

Manhattan Charter School has a no student pick-up policy when the school is at lunch and recess. Any parents wishing to pick up their child between these hours must make prior arrangements with the Family Relations and Attendance Coordinator and the student’s teacher.
MCS 1 11:00am-1:00 pm
MCS 2 11:30am-1:30 pm

Early Pick Up Policy

If a parent or guardian must occasionally pick up their child early, they will be accommodated only until 2:30 pm. Early pick-ups must take place in the main office. Please note: we will not be able to bring students to the main office for early pick up after 2:30 p.m.

Please call the MCS main office or email your child’s dismissal change information.


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