After School Information
Manhattan Charter School offers a variety of educational and entertaining After-School Enrichment Programs for both Elementary and Middle School students. Our afterschool program has a focus on academic tutoring support during the first hour of operation. The second hour engages students in various enrichments and clubs. Enrichment times may vary.

Start Date
After School begins the 3rd week of the school year. Please ensure all required documentation is completed before the start date.
Afterschool Registration & Payments
Please complete the Afterschool Registration Form
Acceptable forms of payments include: Money Orders, Checks, Cash, Digital Feature: ParentSquare Payment
After School programs are non-refundable, except for hospitalization or the cancellation of a program.
Hours of Operation
For more information, please contact:
Dismissal Changes
No Pick-Up Policy
Manhattan Charter School has a no student pick-up policy when the school is at lunch and recess. Any parents wishing to pick up their child between these hours must make prior arrangements with the Family Relations and Attendance Coordinator and the student’s teacher.
MCS 1 11:00am-1:00 pm
MCS 2 11:30am-1:30 pm
Early Pick Up Policy
If a parent or guardian must occasionally pick up their child early, they will be accommodated only until 2:30 pm. Early pick-ups must take place in the main office. Please note: we will not be able to bring students to the main office for early pick up after 2:30 p.m.
Please call the MCS main office or email your child’s dismissal change information.